Plumber Salary in Canada

In Canada, the plumber median wage is $33/hr.

Plumber Salary in Canada

In 2023, plumbers reported higher wages in Ontario.

2023 Wages ($/hour)
Province/Territory Low Median High
Canada 19 33 45
Newfoundland and Labrador 22 28.31 39
Prince Edward Island 18 25 35
Nova Scotia 15 27 39.52
New Brunswick 16 25 34.49
Quebec 20 38 43
Ontario 18 30 50
Manitoba 18 34.65 40
Saskatchewan 17 32 40
Alberta 20 35 44
British Columbia 19 34 43.52
Yukon Territory N/A 29.41 N/A
Northwest Territories N/A 39.42 N/A
Nunavut 23.49 41.23 47.56
Source: Job Bank. 2024

In 2021, plumbers reported higher wages in Ontario.

Community/Area Wages ($/hour)
Low Median High
Canada 18 31 42
Newfoundland and Labrador 20 28 36
Prince Edward Island 20 24 32.22
Nova Scotia 15 25 38.06
New Brunswick 17 24.22 38
Quebec 20.21 37 41.3
Ontario 17.05 30.77 45
Manitoba 18 31.25 40
Saskatchewan 18 31.25 38
Alberta 18 34 42
British Columbia 17 28 38
Yukon Territory 22.47 28 40
Northwest Territories N/A N/A N/A
Nunavut N/A N/A N/A
Source: Job Bank. November 2021

In 2019, plumbers reported higher wages in Ontario.

2019 Wages ($/hour) 
Province/Territory Low Median High
Canada 16.75 29.9 40
Newfoundland 17 25 39.19
Prince Edward Island 12.25 20 29.5
Nova Scotia 14 26 36
New Brunswick 17 25 32.5
Quebec 18 34 38.67
Ontario 15 28 44.09
Manitoba 17 32.6 39
Saskatchewan 17 29.9 40
Alberta 18 31 41.35
British Columbia 16 26 36.13
Yukon Territory N/A N/A N/A
Northwest Territories N/A N/A N/A
Nunavut N/A N/A N/A
Source: Job Bank. May 2019

In 2017, plumbers reported higher wages in Ontario.

2017 Wages ($/hr)
Province/Territory Low Median High
Canada 16 29 41
Ontario 14.99 29.25 46
Alberta 18 30 42
Yukon 11.51 30.1 41
Saskatchewan 17 28 40.8
British Columbia 15.9 26 39.18
Manitoba 17 32 38.1
Newfoundland and Labrador 16 24 38
New Brunswick 13.85 24 37.8
Québec 18 33 37.4
Nova Scotia 18 26 36
Northwest Territories 20.7 27.3 34.5
Prince Edward Island 12 20 26
Nunavut N/A N/A N/A
Source: Job Bank. September 2017

In 2016, the plumber median wage was $28.00/hr.

The salary range for plumbers varies by province. In 2016, plumbers had the highest wages in the Northwest Territories.


Wages ($/hr)

 Province/Territory Low Median High
Canada 16 28 39
Northwest Territories 12.5 27.3 46.05
Ontario 14.25 27 45.45
Yukon 11.07 30.1 41
Saskatchewan 17 28 40.8
Alberta 18.5 28 39.19
New Brunswick 13 19.4 37.8
British Columbia 15 25 37
Nunavut 21 28 36.73
Newfoundland and Labrador 16.5 23.89 36.59
Québec 19.23 32.98 36.49
Manitoba 17 29.9 35
Nova Scotia 15.5 22.6 34
Prince Edward Island 15 23 34
Source: Job Bank. November 2016*

*Wages are reviewed and updated on the Job Bank Web site on an annual basis.


Requirements vary from one province or territory to another. For a regulated occupation, you must have a licence or certificate, or be registered with the regulatory body before you can legally start practising your trade or profession.




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