Canada Immigration by Class (1991-2015)

Canada: Permanent Immigration 1991-2015
In the past 25 years, about six million permanent immigrants landed in Canada:
- Economic immigrants: 3.4 million (56%)
- Family class: 1.8 million (29%)
- Refugees: 724,300 (12%)
- Other: 138,000 (2%)
From 1991 to 2015, the highest number of permanent residents (280,730) landed in 2010, and the lowest (174,195) in 1998.
During this period, the lowest percentage of immigrants who came under the family class (21.6%) was registered in 2010. As per economic immigrants, the lowest percentage (37.2%) was in 1991, and the lowest share of refugees (8.8%) was registered in 2008 and 2010.
From 1991 to 2015, economic immigrants increased 97% from 86,499 to 170,275; family class immigrants and refugees decreased 26% and 41% respectively.