American Immigrants to Canada

From 2005 to 2014, 2,556,813 permanent residents landed in Canada.
The United States of America, Colombia, Mexico, Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Cuba and Guyana were the top ten American source countries accounting for 11% of total immigration during this period.
Trinidad & Tobago, El Salvador, Argentina, St Vincent & Grenadines, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Chile, St. Lucia, Honduras, Guatemala, Grenada, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Barbados and Uruguay made it to the top 25 American source countries reaching 2% of total immigration during the same period.
From 2005 to 2014, annual immigration from these countries experienced the highest percentage growth: St Lucia (172%) from 185 to 503; Honduras (142%) from 166 to 402; Brazil (98%) from 969 to 1,915; and Haiti (97%) from 1,682 to 3,315.
During the same period, annual immigration from these countries experienced the highest percentage decreases: Argentina (-81%) from 1,153 to 214; Uruguay (-80%) from 217 to 43.