Wages in Manufacturing and Utilities in Canada

In 2016, the average wage in manufacturing occupations was $56,240 per year

In Canada, the average wage of supervisors in assembly and fabrication is $71,577 per year.

Manufacturing and Utiities Occupations: Median and Average Wages
OccupationMedian wages*Average wages*
9 Occupations in manufacturing and utilities$46,694$56,240
921 Supervisors, processing and manufacturing occupations$70,428$81,811
922 Supervisors, assembly and fabrication$65,696$71,577
923 Central control and process operators in processing and manufacturing$104,803$114,306
924 Utilities equipment operators and controllers$83,727$98,509
941 Machine operators and related workers in mineral and metal products processing and manufacturing$50,214$55,803
942 Machine operators and related workers in chemical, plastic and rubber processing$46,217$51,120
943 Machine operators and related workers in pulp and paper production and wood processing and manufacturing$50,826$54,748
944 Machine operators and related workers in textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing$29,300$32,072
946 Machine operators and related workers in food, beverage and associated products processing$42,008$46,673
947 Printing equipment operators and related occupations$41,491$44,718
952 Mechanical, electrical and electronics assemblers$48,859$53,877
953 Other assembly and related occupations$39,569$43,861
961 Labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities$36,796$41,005
* Median salaries, wages and commissionsdodo
Source: 2016 Census. Statistics Canadadodo


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