Salaries in Health in Canada

The annual average salary of health professionals is $65,486

In 2016, the average salary for doctors was $112,838 in Canada.

Health Occupations: Median and Average Wages
OccupationMedian wages*Average wages*
3 Health occupations$58,994$65,486
311 Physicians, dentists and veterinarians$82,564$112,838
313 Pharmacists, dietitians and nutritionists$96,546$94,422
301 Professional occupations in nursing$80,141$78,460
312 Optometrists, chiropractors and other health diagnosing and treating professionals$80,207$74,086
314 Therapy and assessment professionals$69,218$66,406
322 Technical occupations in dental health care$56,480$58,788
323 Other technical occupations in health care$54,681$57,197
321 Medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)$52,150$55,776
341 Assisting occupations in support of health services$40,279$41,030
* Median salaries, wages and commissions
Source: 2016 Census. Statistics Canada


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