Polish Immigrants to Canada
In 2022, 510 Polish citizens were admitted to Canada as permanent residents.

146K Poles in Canada

In 2016, 146,470 Polish immigrants resided in Canada.
Poles in Canada 2001 and 2011
The most recent data (2011) shows that immigrants comprised 20.6% of Canada’s population; in other words, one in five people were immigrants.
The number of immigrants from Poland increased 15.6% from 180,405 in 2001 to 152,290 in 2011.
In 2011, 67% of Polish immigrants resided in Ontario. In fact, the Greater Toronto Area was home to 63,065 Polish.
In 2011, 11% of Polish immigrants resided in Alberta, and 10% in British Columbia and 8% in Quebec.
This is the most recent data that allows us to make some “reasonable” comparisons. However, the accuracy might be questionable since the data comes from the 2011 National Household Survey (NHS). Please use it cautiously.
Citizens from Poland landed in Canada in recent years
From 2006 to 2015, 9,679 new permanent residents from Poland landed in Canada.
Landing Year | Total |
2006 | 1,263 |
2007 | 1,235 |
2008 | 1,267 |
2009 | 1,013 |
2010 | 795 |
2011 | 720 |
2012 | 779 |
2013 | 853 |
2014 | 773 |
2015 | 981 |
2006-2015 | 9,679 |
Source: Government of Canada |
Poles in Canada (2016)