Living in Canada – Seeking Asylum in Canada

Fraudulent asylum seekers helped by immigration lawyers

Do you know who lies to get refuge in Canada? Well, you will be surprised to know that not only asylum seekers lie to get it.
We will talk about those interested/involved in refugee issues in Canada. It is worth clarifying that this does not apply to 100% of asylum or refuge seekers, but it does apply to a significant number of cases. As we will see later, the government has pointed out countless cases of abuse of the refuge program in Canada, by various actors.
First, I share with you three cases from refugee seekers that I knew closely.
The first was in Vancouver. This is a Latina lady I met at a Latino community event. She told me that she was applying for the shelter along with her daughter, daughter’s boyfriend, and granddaughter. He told me, not very openly, how the situation with lawyers was going and a little about the process. After a few months, she told me that they would have a court date and that they had agreed to say the following:
That the daughter was fleeing a husband who abused her and the girl.
That the daughter’s boyfriend was going to declare himself gay and,
That she was afraid of her daughter’s husband because he threatened her.
A few days after the court hearing, she told me that things had not gone well because only the daughter and granddaughter had been granted refuge. The groom was denied for lying. And in her case, it was worse, because the daughter said that her mother was lying.
I no longer know what happened to her because I moved to another city.

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