Chinese Immigrants to Canada

Chinese immigrants admitted to Canada 2010-2023

Chinese Immigrants to Canada

NOTE: Rounding numbers to the nearest 1,000.

From 2010 to 2023, a total of 398,234 immigrants from China landed in Canada.

In 2023, a total of 31,780 Chinese citizens were admitted to Canada as landed immigrants; accounting for 6.7% of total admissions in that year.

Chinese immigrants: The second largest foreign-born group in Canada

Chinese immigrants in Canada

According to the 2016 Census, Chinese immigrants (649,260) were the second largest foreign-born group in Canada.

Chinese immigrants in Canada – 2001 and 2011


In 2011, the immigrant population comprised 20.6% of Canada’s population, so one in five people were immigrants.

The number of immigrants from China grew 63.9% from 332,825 in 2001 to 545,535 in 2011, making Chinese the second largest foreign-born group in Canada.

Over 49% of Chinese immigrants resided in Ontario in 2001 and 2011; most of them (224,915 or 84%) lived in the Greater Toronto Area in 2011.

In 2011, 30.7% of the Chinese immigrants resided in British Columbia; most of them (159,200 or 95%) lived in the Greater Vancouver Area.

Prince Edward Island experienced the highest percentage increase  of Chinese immigrants (1556%) from 90 in 2001 people to 1,490 in 2011.


Please note that we used data from the National Household Survey (NHS) knowing that its quality is still under criticism because this survey was conducted on a voluntary basis, so its validity, reliability and comparability with other instruments, such as population censuses, have become an issue. In fact, before the first release of the NHS results, Statistics Canada issued warnings and cautions when using the NHS data, so use the data cautiously.

Citizens from the People’s Republic of China landed in Canada in recent years


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