Canada Visitor Visa

How to get a Canadian Visitor Visa -Infographic description (November 2016 Update)
To visit Canada, a visa is needed for people from the following countries:
Afghanistan | Guinea | Palau |
Albania | Guinea-Bissau | Palestinian Authority |
Algeria | Guyana | Panama |
Angola | Haiti | Paraguay |
Argentina | Honduras | Peru |
Armenia | India | Philippines |
Azerbaijan | Indonesia | Qatar |
Bahrain | Iran | Romania |
Bangladesh | Iraq | Russia |
Belarus | Israel | Rwanda |
Belize | Ivory Coast | Sao Tomé e Principe |
Benin | Jamaica | Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of |
Bhutan | Jordan | Senegal |
Bolivia | Kazakhstan | Serbia |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | Kenya | Seychelles |
Botswana | Kiribati | Sierra Leone |
Brazil | Korea, North | Somalia |
Bulgaria | Kosovo | South Africa |
Burkina Faso | Kuwait | South Sudan |
Burma (Myanmar) | Kyrgyzstan | Sri Lanka |
Burundi | Laos | St. Kitts and Nevis |
Cambodia | Lebanon | St. Lucia |
Cameron, Republic of | Lesotho | St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
Cape Verde | Liberia | Sudan |
Central African Republic | Libya | Surinam |
Chad | Macao Special Admin Region | Swaziland |
China, People’s Republic of | Macedonia | Syria |
Colombia | Madagascar | Taiwan |
Comoros | Malawi | Tajikistan |
Congo, Democratic Republic of | Malaysia | Tanzania |
Congo, Republic of | Maldives Islands | Thailand |
Costa Rica, Republic of | Mali | Togo |
Cuba | Marshall Islands | Tonga |
Djibouti | Mauritania | Trinidad and Tobago |
Dominica | Mauritius | Tunisia |
Dominican Republic | Turkey | |
East Timor | Micronesia, Fed. States | Turkmenistan |
Ecuador | Moldova | Tuvalu |
Egypt | Mongolia | Uganda |
El Salvador | Montenegro | Ukraine |
Equatorial Guinea | Morocco | United Arab Emirates |
Eritrea | Mozambique | Uruguay |
Ethiopia | Namibia | Uzbekistan |
Fiji | Nauru | Vanuatu |
Gabon | Nepal | Venezuela |
Gambia | Nicaragua | Vietnam |
Georgia | Niger | Yemen |
Ghana | Nigeria | Zambia |
Grenada | Oman | Zimbabwe |
Guatemala | Pakistan |
- have a valid travel document, such as a passport;
- be in good health;
- satisfy an immigration officer that you have ties, such as a job, home, financial assets and family, that will take you back to your country of origin;
- satisfy an immigration officer that you will leave Canada at the end of your visit; and
- have enough money for your stay. The amount of money you will need can vary with the circumstances of the visit, how long you will stay and whether you will stay in a hotel or with friends or relatives. For more information, ask the Canadian visa office in your country or region.
You may also need a medical exam and a letter of invitation
Application Package
Apply online or through a paper application
- The application fee per person is $100 for an individual visa, and $500 for a family.
- Citizens of certain countries and territories have to give their biometrics (fingerprints and photograph) when they apply for a visitor visa, study permit, or work permit. Biometrics for a person is $85 and for a family $170.
Submit your application
Online or at your nearest Visa Application Centre
Who needs an eTA?
As of March 15, 2016, visa-exempt foreign nationals who fly to or transit through Canada are expected to have an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). Exceptions include U.S. citizens and travellers with a valid Canadian visa.
Starting on December 1st, 2016, Mexican citizens visiting Canada won’t require a Visa. Instead, Mexicans should get an eTA.