Canada: Immigrants by Source Country – 2016

In 2016, immigrants came to Canada from over 190 countries. In fact, 296,340 new permanent residents landed in Canada, a 9% increase compared to the previous year.
For a third year in a row, the Philippines and India were the top source countries of immigrants to Canada. In fact, immigration from these countries accounted for 28% of the total intake in 2016. Syria ranked as the third source country of immigrants, accounting for 11.8% of the total intake in 2016.
Compared to the previous year, the number of immigrants from the Philippines decreased 18%. On the contrary, the number immigrants from India increased 1% and from Syria increased 254%.
The following source countries of immigrants to Canada complete the top 25 list: China (9.1%), Pakistan (3.8%), the United States of America (2.8%), Iran (2.2%), France (2.1%), the United Kingdom and Colonies (2%) and Eritrea (1.6%), Nigeria (1.5%), South Korea (1.4%), Jamaica (1.2%), Mexico (1.1%), Ukraine (1.1%), Bangladesh (1.1%), Egypt 1%), Haiti (1%), Algeria (1%), Afghanistan (0.9%), Democratic Republic of Congo (0.9%), Vietnam (0.8%), Colombia (0.8%), Russia (0.8%) and Iraq (0.8%).
Related articles:
Canada: Immigrants by country 2015
Canada: Immigrants by country 2014