Average House Price in Winnipeg

The average house price in Winnipeg is $363,200

House prices in Winnipeg

In January 2025, house prices in Winnipeg up by 8.2% compared to the previous year.

Average House Price in Winnipeg
2023 2024 2025
January $326,800* $335,600* $363,200
February $329,800* $345,400
March $335,000* $353,600
April $344,600 $358,000
May $347,800* $358,300
June $347,300* $362,700
July $346,500* $361,600
August $345,000* $361,800
September $342,100* $362,500
October $339,800* $361,400
November $332,000* $360,500
December $331,500* $359,200
Source: CREA

Winnipeg house prices

Average House Price in Winnipeg
2020 2021 2022
January $266,200* $293,200* $353,600*
February $270,700 $301,600* $362,800*
March $273,600 $307,300* $367,100*
April $275,000 $315,500* $367,200*
May $277,700* $332,900* $369,000*
June $282,500* $337,500* $360,600*
July $284,300* $331,400* $351,200*
August $285,800* $332,900* $346,000*
September $285,500* $332,600* $339,400*
October $289,900* $332,100* $336,900*
November $286,500 $336,900* $329,600*
December $286,000* $332,600* $323,000*
Source: CREA

Home prices depend on the size, location, amenities, the age and condition of the apartment, townhouse or house.

Average House Price in Winnipeg
2017 2018 2019
January $272,553 $280,439 $280,449
February  $288,097 $297,929 $266,600*
March  $298,329 $304,111* $270,400*
April  $302,983 $306,698 $271,700*
May  $302,546 $307,320 $273,200*
June  $302,900 $312,173 $272,500*
July  $294,216 $296,735 $270,500*
August  $297,897 $302,100 $269,900*
September  $288,334 $296,216 $267,500*
October  $294,843 $303,860 $266,100*
November $293,856 $289,876 $267,600*
December $289,155 $298,389 $265,500*
Source: CREA

Decide if homeownership is right for you. Here are some recommendations from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to buying your first home:

  • Check if you are financially ready to own a home
  • Analyze your situation and mortgage possibilities
  • Find the right home
  • Make and offer and close the deal

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