Salaries in Agriculture in Canada

The average wage in natural resources occupations is $63,182

In 2016, the average wage of supervisors in logging and forestry was $75,756.

Natural Resources Occupations: Median and Average WagesMedian WageAverage Wage
8 Natural resources, agriculture and related production occupations$48,927$63,182
821 Supervisors, logging and forestry$70,487$75,756
822 Contractors and supervisors, mining, oil and gas$126,249$139,148
823 Underground miners, oil and gas drillers and related occupations$99,879$101,217
824 Logging machinery operators$66,270$67,318
825 Contractors and supervisors, agriculture, horticulture and related operations and services$47,989$52,464
826 Fishing vessel masters and fishermen/women$46,791$64,806
841 Mine service workers and operators in oil and gas drilling$87,882$95,829
842 Logging and forestry workers$48,525$52,021
843 Agriculture and horticulture workers$33,448$35,949
844 Other workers in fishing and trapping and hunting occupations$37,545$44,917
861 Harvesting, landscaping and natural resources labourers$41,112$46,908
* Median salaries, wages and commissions
Source: 2016 Census. Statistics Canada


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