Immigrants by Class and Province (2015)

In 2015, 271,660 new permanent residents landed in Canada, a 4.4 % increase compared to 2014 (260,265).
In 2015, over 73% of immigrants chose Ontario (103,560 or 38.1%), Quebec (48,930 or 18%), and Alberta (47,165 or 17.4%) as their destination.
Immigration to British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan accounted for 23.2%.
The Atlantic Provinces were the destination for 8,290 newcomers, and 510 immigrants opted for the territories.
In 2015, most immigrants came to Canada under the economic class (170,270 or 62.7%). The family class comprised the second largest group (65,440 or 24%); followed by the refugees (32,000 or 12%) and 3,835 or 2% came under “other” class.
In 2015, Prince Edward Island (84.5%), Saskatchewan (80.3%) and New Brunswick (78.7%) got the highest shares of economic immigrants.
Newcomers who came under the family category accounted for the largest immigration intake in British Columbia (31.1%), Ontario and Nunavut (28.6% each).
Newfoundland had the highest share of refugees (26.3%), followed by Quebec (15.5%) and Ontario (14.4%).