Average House Price in Halifax

The average house price in Halifax is $527,700House prices in Halifax, NS

In November 2024, Halifax house prices up 3.3% compared to the same month a year ago.

Average House Price in Halifax
2023 2024 2025
January $502,600* $518,500
February $504,300* $531,200
March $508,500* $529,600
April $524,500* $547,400
May $531,100* $539,200
June $529,700* $548,800
July $531,200* $551,600
August $532,100* $543,700
September $524,200* $538,100
October $529,400* $539,200
November $510,700* $527,700
December $511,600
Source: CREA

House prices in Halifax 2020-2022

Average House Price in Halifax
2020 2021 2022
January $331,548* $432,070* $465,600*
February $329,138* $343,900* $468,200*
March $352,993* $359,900* $522,400*
April $335,921* $382,900* $540,100*
May $361,838* $411,400* $539,000*
June $366,668* $425,500* $518,600*
July $367,582* $431,600* $498,100*
August $371,766* $434,400* $484,700*
September $384,001* $434,700* $480,400*
October $389,523* $442,600* $482,900*
November $393,925* $446,400* $482,000*
December $400,965* $452,200* $480,000*
Source: CREA

House prices in Halifax 2017-2019

Average House Price in Halifax
2017 2018 2019
January $267,312* $292,485* $307,096*
February $284,189* $315,548* $301,011*
March $297,473* $298,599* $335,098*
April $308,039* $315,394* $319,142*
May $319477* $308,493* $329,242*
June $297,063* $309,186* $323,221*
July $298,668* $295,692* $310,251*
August $286,012* $294,261* $315,472*
September $279,312* $298,194* $320,941*
October $286,634* $287,248* $325,832*
November $296,501* $297,823* $340,031*
December $302,677* $298,518* $332,876*
Source: CREA

Home prices depend on the size, location, amenities, the age and condition of the apartment, townhouse or house.

Decide if homeownership is right for you. Here are some recommendations from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to buying your first home:

  • Check if you are financially ready to own a home
  • Analyze your situation and mortgage possibilities
  • Find the right home
  • Make and offer and close the deal

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