Lawyer Salary in Canada

Lawyers reported higher salaries in Ontario

In 2016, the median wage for lawyers in Canada was $107,829/year.

In 2016, lawyers in Prince Edward Island reported lower wages.

Wages ($/yr)
  Low Median High
Canada 37,196 107,829 298,942
Ontario 42,397 125,031 375,235
Alberta 47,882 130,981 344,279
British Columbia 39,811 106,361 269,702
Newfoundland and Labrador 54,763 105,230 240,250
Québec 26,121 81,914 208,319
Manitoba 29,372 100,617 193,674
Saskatchewan 47,821 112,217 187,906
Yukon 64,992 107,660 177,844
New Brunswick 42,203 88,838 168,840
Nova Scotia 25,451 86,337 159,515
Northwest Territories 48,670 96,141 153,496
Prince Edward Island 31,248 94,069 139,852
Nunavut N/A N/A N/A
Source: Job Bank. November 2016*

*Wages are reviewed and updated on the Job Bank Web site on an annual basis.


Lawyers are regulated everywhere in Canada. In order to use one of the reserved titles, you are required to be registered with a provincial or territorial regulatory authority to be authorized to practise as a lawyer anywhere in Canada.

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